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Dallas / Fort Worth (DFW), Texas, USA

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    Client Story: Farrell Animal Hospital

    The Fable Company / Uncategorized  / Client Story: Farrell Animal Hospital

    Client Story: Farrell Animal Hospital

    Farrell Animal Hospital has been a trusted community fixture for decades, and many of its clients have had lifelong, or even generational, relationships with the clinic and staff. But the hospital knew that remaining relevant and continuing to build community relationships meant communicating that rich history and culture through digital media–and that’s how a partnership with The Fable Company began!


    Dr. Don Farrell (left) and Dr. J.M. Farrell (right)


    Farrell’s story begins in the 1940’s, when Dr. J.M. Farrell began treating animals out of his own home. In 1949, Dr. Farrell and his brother Dr. Don Farrell opened the hospital on West Division street in Arlington, later moving to Pioneer Parkway in 1972, where the hospital is still located today.

    Over the last couple years The Fable Company has been privileged to go behind the scenes of Farrell’s caring and exceptional care to create a variety of media for the hospital.


    When we first met with Dr. Jim Turner—who himself started at Farrell in 1980 as a kennel boy, later graduating medical school and returning as a veterinarian in 1988—we discussed the evolving landscape of veterinary care and the fact that pet owners are more informed, and want to be more involved, than ever before.


    It was those key values of transparency, education, and collaboration with clients that subsequently defined the photos, videos, and copy we created for the hospital—celebrating all the while the rich history and family atmosphere that has defined Farrell’s brand for decades.






    We appreciate the mutual trust Farrell and its team of professionals have extended to us in allowing us to join them in exam, treatment, and even the operating room to candidly capture the love, labor, and intimacy of the hard work done to improve quality of life for DFW pets.




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